
St Luke's International Hospital




  • 読み込み中












  • 反復性肩関節脱臼
  • 肩腱板損傷
  • 肩関節周囲炎
  • 投球肩障害、肘障害
  • 変形性関節症(肩・肘・手)
  • 肘部管症候群
  • 手根管症候群


  • 膝靭帯損傷(前十字靭帯損傷、後十字靭帯損傷、内側側副靭帯損傷、複合靭帯損傷)
  • 半月板損傷
  • 関節軟骨損傷・関節内遊離体(膝・足)
  • 反復性膝蓋骨脱臼
  • 変形性関節症(股・膝・足)
  • 大腿骨頭壊死症
  • 特発性膝骨壊死症
  • リウマチ性関節炎(股・膝・足)
  • 離断性骨軟骨炎(膝・足)
  • 股関節インピンジメント症候群(FAI:Femoroacetabular Impingement)
  • 足関節後方インピンジメント症候群(三角骨障害など)
  • 外反母趾


  • 頚椎症(脊髄症、神経根症)
  • 腰椎椎間板ヘルニア
  • 腰部脊柱管狭窄症
  • 腰椎変性すべり症


  • 肉離れ
  • 疲労骨折
  • 骨代謝疾患:骨粗鬆症、骨軟化症、骨形成不全


  • 外来検査:X線検査、CT、MRI、骨密度、超音波検査、神経伝導速度検査、ABI
  • 外来処置:ブロック注射(仙骨)、関節内注射(肩、膝関節)








北村 信人  

田崎 篤  
伊藤 幹人

天羽 健太郎  

大石 隆幸

和田 進  
宮本 卓弥
山下 大輔
津端 悠  
梨井 泰熙    
佐藤 雄    






  • 2018/7/14

    Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Skills & Knowledge Courseを開催しました。

  • 2018/3/1

    病院内ご意見箱感謝賞 医師部門第2位で表彰されました。

  • 2018/2/3


  • 2017/10/10


  • 2017/10/9





日付 学会名・講演会名・雑誌名 タイトル・概要 氏名
2021年5月 Orthop J Sports Med Arthroscopic Bankart Repair and Open Bristow Procedure in the Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability With Osseous Glenoid Lesions in Collision Athletes. Tasaki A, Morita W, Nozaki T, Yonekura Y, Saito M, Phillips BB, Kitamura N
2021年5月 Osteoarthritis Cartilage. How does the cam morphology develop in athletes? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pettit M, Doran C, Singh Y, Saito M, Sunil Kumar KH, Khanduja V.
2021年5月 Arthroscopy Femoro-Epiphyseal Acetabular Roof (FEAR) Index and Anterior Acetabular Coverage Correlate With Labral Length in Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Kuroda Y, Hashimoto S, Saito M, Matsumoto T, Nakano N, Kuroda R, Hayashi S
2021年1月 Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc The cleft sign may be an independent factor of magnetic resonance imaging findings associated with a delayed return-to-play time in athletes with groin pain. Saito M, Niga S, Nihei T, Uomizu M, Ikezawa Y, Tsukada S.
2021年1月 Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Obesity is associated with less favorable outcomes following hip arthroscopic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Kuroda Y, Hashimoto S, Saito M, Hayashi S, Nakano N, Matsushita T, Niikura T, Kuroda R, Matsumoto T.
2020年12月 Arthroscopy Outcomes After Arthroscopic Osteochondroplasty for Femoroacetabular Impingement Secondary to Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: A Systematic Review. Saito M, Kuroda Y, Sunil Kumar KH, Khanduja V.
2020年9月 Arthroscopy Hip Arthroscopy and Borderline Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: A Systematic Review. Kuroda Y, Saito M, Sunil Kumar KH, Malviya A, Khanduja V.
2020年7月 Bone Joint J Patient-related risk factors associated with less favourable outcomes following hip arthroscopy. Kuroda Y, Saito M, Çınar EN, Norrish A, Khanduja V.
2020年4月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Anatomical variation of the Psoas Valley: a scoping review. Kuroda Y, Rai A, Saito M, Khanduja V.
2019年12月 Clin J Sport Med. Prognosis of Incomplete Avulsion of the Proximal Hamstring Tendon Is Determined by the Avulsion Location of the Proximal Hamstring Tendon Footprint. Saito M, Niga S, Suzuki K, Ikezawa Y, Tsukada S
2019年2月 Am J Sports Med. Hip arthroscopic management can improve osteitis pubis and bone marrow edema in competitive soccer players with femoroacetabular impingement. Saito M, Utsunomiya H, Hatakeyama A, Nakashima H, Nishimura H, Matsuda DK, Uchida S
2018年8月 Int Orthop. Post-operative pain control following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: peri-articular injection versus interscalene brachial plexus block. Saito M, Tsukada S, Fujita N, Rahman M, Morita W, Kitamura N, Tasaki A
2017年5月 J Orthop Sci Talar head fracture in a professional baseball player: A case report. Kitamura N, Yokota M, Nakagawa T, Yasuda K, Tsuchiya M
2017年5月 Acad Radiol Reliability of MR Quantification of Rotator Cuff Muscle Fatty Degeneration Using a 2-point Dixon Technique in Comparison with the Goutallier Classification: Validation Study by Multiple Readers Horiuchi S, Nozaki T, Tasaki A, Yamakawa A, Kaneko Y, Hara T, Yoshioka H
2017年5月 Am J Sports Med The effect of intraoperative graft coverage with preserved remnant tissue on the results of the pivot shift test after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Quantitative evaluations with an electromagnetic sensor system Kitamura N, Yasuda K, Yokota M, Goto K, Wada S, Onodera J, Kondo E
2017年5月 BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Effects of osteochondral defect size on cartilage regeneration using a double-network hydrogel Higa K, Kitamura N, Goto K, Kurokawa T, Gong JP, Kanaya F, Yasuda K
2017年2月 Skeletal Radiol MRI for the diagnosis of scapular dyskinesis: a report of two cases Morita W, Nozaki T, Tasaki A
2017年1月 Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Correlation of alpha angle between various radiographic projections and radial magnetic resonance imaging for cam deformity in femoral head–neck junction Saito M, Tsukada S, Yoshida K, Okada Y, Tasaki A
2017年1月 AP-SMART Shorter recovery can be achieved from using walking boot after operative treatment of an ankle fracture Amaha K, Arimoto T, Saito M, Tasaki A, Tsuji S
2016年10月 Acta Biomater Hydroxyapatite-coated double network hydrogel directly bondable to the bone: Biological and biomechanical evaluations of the bonding property in an osteochondral defect Wada S, Kitamura N, Nonoyama T, Kiyama R, Kurokawa T, Gong JP, Yasuda K
2016年10月 Acta Biomater Fundamental biomaterial properties of tough glycosaminoglycan-containing double network hydrogels newly developed using the molecular stent method Higa K, Kitamura N, Kurokawa T, Goto K, Wada S, Nonoyama T, Kanaya F, Sugahara K, Gong JP, Yasuda K
2016年9月 J Biomed Mater Res A In vivo cartilage regeneration induced by a double-network hydrogel: Evaluation of a novel therapeutic strategy for femoral articular cartilage defects in a sheep model Kitamura N, Yokota M, Kurokawa T, Gong JP, Yasuda K
2016年8月 Radiology Predicting Retear after Repair of Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear: Two-Point Dixon MR Imaging Quantification of Fatty Muscle Degeneration-Initial Experience with 1-year Follow-up Nozaki T, Tasaki A, Horiuchi S, Ochi J, Starkey J, Hara T, Saida Y, Yoshioka H
2016年8月 Case Rep Orthop Simultaneous Bilateral Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip without Pregnancy Okada Y, Tsukada S, Saito M, Tasaki A
2016年8月 Adv Mater Double network hydrogels strongly bondable to bones by spontaneous osteogenesis penetration Nonoyama T, Wada S, Kiyama R, Kitamura N, Mredha TI, Zhang X, Kurokawa T, Nakajima T, Takagi Y, Yasuda K, Gong JP
2016年7月 Am J Sports Med Effects of Remnant Tissue Preservation on the Tendon Graft in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Biomechanical and Histological Study Takahashi T, Kondo E, Yasuda K, Miyatake S, Kawaguchi Y, Onodera J, Kitamura N
2016年6月 Clin Res Foot Ankle Anterolateral Ankle Pain: Comparison of Two Areas of Clinical Anterolateral Pain Using Imaging and Arthroscopic Findings Amaha K, Nozaki T, Ohde S, Tasaki A
2016年4月 AP-SMART Clinical results of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with ligament remnant tissue preservation: A systematic review Tanabe Y, Yasuda K, Kondo E, Kitamura N
2015年11月 J Bone Joint Surg Am Clinical outcome and glenoid morphology after arthroscopic repair of chronic osseous bankart lesions: A five to eight-year follow-up study Kitayama S, Sugaya H, Takahashi N, Matsuki K, Kawai N, Tokai M, Ohnishi K, Ueda Y, Hoshika S, Kitamura N, Yasuda K, Moriishi J
2015年11月 J Biomed Mater Res A Synthetic PAMPS gel activates BMP/Smad signaling pathway in ATDC5 cells, which plays a significant role in the gel-induced chondrogenic differentiation Goto K, Kimura T, *Kitamura N, Semba S, Ohmiya Y, Aburatani S, Matsukura S, Tsuda M, Kurokawa T, Gong JP, Tanaka S, Yasuda K
2015年9月 Arthroscopy. Combined Arthroscopic Bankart Repair and Coracoid Process Transfer to Anterior Glenoid for Shoulder Dislocation in Rugby Players: Evaluation Based on Ability to Perform Sport-Specific Movements Effectively. Tasaki A, Morita W, Yamakawa A, Nozaki T, Kuroda E, Hoshikawa Y, Phillips BB
2015年9月 Mod Rheumatol MRI findings of the shoulder and hip joint in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica Ochi J, Nozaki T, Okada M, Suyama Y, Kishimoto M, Akaike G, Tasaki A, Ohde S, Saida Y, Yoshioka H.
2015年8月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord Effects of initial graft tension on clinical outcome after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: comparison of two graft tension protocols Kondo E, Yasuda K, Kitamura N, Onodera J, Yokota M, Yagi T, Iwasaki N
2015年8月 Am J Sports Med Effects of remnant tissue preservation on clinical and arthroscopic results after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Kondo E, Yasuda K, Onodera J, Kawaguchi Y, Kitamura N
2015年7月 AJR Am J Roentgenol Quantification of Fatty Degeneration Within the Supraspinatus Muscle by Using a 2-Point Dixon Method on 3-T MRI Nozaki T, Tasaki A, Horiuchi S, Osakabe C, Ohde S, Saida Y, Yoshioka H.
2015年5月 Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Quantitative and qualitative analyses of subacromial impingement by kinematic open MRI Tasaki A, Nimura A, Nozaki T, Yamakawa A, Niitsu M, Morita W, Hoshikawa Y, Akita K
2014年11月 J Orthop Sci Biomechanical comparisons of the adhesion strength of polymethylmethacrylate cement to the zirconia ceramic component and the cobalt-chromium alloy component in total knee arthroplasty Kumahashi N, Uchio Y, Kitamura N, Satake S, Iwamoto Y, Yasuda K
2014年10月 J Biomech Significant increase in the Young’s modulus of ATDC5 cells during chondrogenic differentiation induced by PAMPS/PDMAAm double-network gel: Comparison with induction by insulin Maeda E, Tsutsumi T, Kitamura K, Kurokawa T, Gong JP, Yasuda K, Ohashi T
2014年9月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord Effects of culture on PAMPS/PDMAAm double-network gel on chondrogenic differentiation of mouse C3H10T1/2 cells: in vitro experimental study Inagaki Y, Kitamura N, Kurokawa T, Tanaka Y, Gong JP, Yasuda K, Tohyama H
2014年7月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord Hyaluronic acid enhances the effect of the PAMPS/PDMAAm double-network hydrogel on chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells Kitamura N, Kurokawa T, Fukui T, Gong JP, Yasuda K
2014年4月 J Mater Sci Mater Med Intra-articular administration of hyaluronic acid increases the volume of the hyaline cartilage regenerated in a large osteochondral defect by implantation of a double-network gel Fukui T, Kitamura N, Kurokawa T, Yokota M, Kondo E, Gong JP, Yasuda K
2014年1月 Adv Mater Proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans improve toughness of biocompatible double network hydrogels Zhao Y, Nakajima T, Yang JJ, Kurokawa T, Liu J, Lu J, Mizumoto S, Sugahara K, Kitamura N, Yasuda K, Daniels D, Gong JP
2013年11月 Am J Sports Med Biomechanical characteristics of three pivot shift maneuvers for the anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee: In vivo evaluations using an electromagnetic sensor system Kitamura N, Yokota M, Kondo E, Miyatake S, Nagamune K, Yasuda K
2013年9月 J Orthop Sci Prospective clinical comparisons of semitendinosus versus semitendinosus and gracilis tendon autografts for anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Inagaki Y, Kondo E, Kitamura N, Onodera J, Yagi T, Tanaka Y, Yasuda K
2013年6月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord A quantitative technique to create a femoral tunnel at the averaged center of the anteromedial bundle attachment in anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Kai S, Kondo E, Kitamura N, Kawaguchi Y, Inoue M, Amis AA, Yasuda K
2013年6月 Am J Sports Med A novel medial collateral ligament reconstruction procedure using semitendinosus tendon autograft in patients with multiligamentous knee injuries. Clinical outcomes Kitamura N, Ogawa M, Kondo E, Kitayama S, Tohyama H, Yasuda K
2013年5月 Orthop J Sports Med Tunnel enlargement and coalition after anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring tendon autografts: A computed tomography study Kawaguchi Y, Kondo E, Onodera J, Kitamura N, Sasaki T, Yagi T, Yasuda K
2013年5月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord Development of a salmon-derived crosslinked atelocollagen sponge disc containing osteogenic protein-1 for articular cartilage regeneration: in vivo evaluations with rabbits Mori H, Kondo E, Kawaguchi Y, Kitamura N, Nagai N, Iida H, Yasuda K
2013年3月 Br J Clin Pharmacol Flurbiprofen Concentration in the soft tissues is higher after topical application than after oral administration Kai S, Kondo E, Kawaguchi Y, Kitamura N, Yasuda K
2013年2月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord Hyaluronic acid affects the in vitro induction effects of Synthetic PAMPS and PDMAAm hydrogels on chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells, depending on the level of concentration Yoshikawa K, Kitamura N, Kurokawa T, Gong JP, Nohara Y, Yasuda K
2013年1月 BMC Musculoskelet Disord Influence of the gel thickness on in vivo hyaline cartilage regeneration induced by double-network gel implanted at the bottom of a large osteochondral defect: Short-term results Matsuda H, Kitamura N, Kurokawa T, Arakaki K, Gong JP, Kanaya F, Yasuda K
2012年9月 J Biomed Mater Res A Poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid) gel induces articular cartilage regeneration in vivo: Comparisons of the induction ability between single- and double-network gels Ogawa M, Kitamura N, Kurokawa T, Arakaki K, Tanaka Y, Gong JP, Yasuda K
2012年7月 Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Clinical comparison of two suspensory fixation devices for anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Kondo E, Yasuda K, Miyatake S, Kitamura N, Tohyama H, Yagi T
