St. Luke’s International Hospital

St. Luke’s International Hospital


Can I see a physician without an appointment?

St. Luke's International Hospital has an appointment system. Patients without appointments may not be able to see a physician on the day of their visit. Please bring a referral letter from your outside doctor before calling the Appointment Service Desk (03-5550-7120) for an appointment.

Please refer to this page.

Can I see a physician without Japanese Health Insurance?
You can have a consultation without Japanese Health Insurance, but you have to pay the entire medical fee at the time of the visit, and claim it later to your private insurance company on your own.
How can I get a referral letter?

Please consult your family physician. If you don't have a family physician, you may find one at this website: "Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information Service

If I have a referral letter, can I see a physician immediately?
Please make an appointment first. We may not be able to make your appointment at your desired time. Based on the schedule, it may take more than 1 month.
Do consultations start/finish on time?

Since St. Luke's International Hospital is a registered Emergency Care Center of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we give first priority to emergency patients, so please allow for some waiting time.

Can I have a pregnancy check-up without delivery at St. Luke’s International Hospital?

We are sorry, but we do not do pregnancy check-ups only.

Can I make an appointment just for a medical/physical exam?

The need for medical/physical exams will be decided and ordered by the St. Luke’s International Hospital physician. Please make an appointment for a consultation first.

Do you perform circumcisions?

At St. Luke's International Hospital, we do not perform circumcisions for religious purposes.
We can conduct surgery for phimosis (Pediatrics Surgery Department) if medically appropriate

Can you introduce me to some other medical institution where I can use my native language?

Please find one at this website: "Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information Service"

Do you provide any elective programs?

We provide "International Medical Student Elective (IMSE)" program to medical students. Please click here to get further information about the program.