Quiet space to find comfort and strength in difficult times.
St. Luke's Chapel visibly expresses the heart of the mission of St. Luke's International Hospital: "to demonstrate in convincing terms the transmuting power of Christian love when applied in relief of human suffering."
Carillon chimes located under the cross of the tower of the Old Building ring out hymns each day at 8:30AM, 12:00 noon, and 6:00PM.
The hospital actually has two chapels. Teusler Hall, located on the 2nd Floor of the Main Building, is the site of weekday Morning Prayer (in Japanese) as well as various interdisciplinary meetings and lectures. A lunchtime concert is also held here on the second and fourth Fridays of each month.
St. Luke's Chapel is a beautiful gothic sanctuary on the 2nd floor of the Old Building. Holy Eucharist is celebrated in the Chapel on Sunday mornings (in Japanese). A Service of Evening Prayer with extended organ performance is held here on the first Wednesday of every month.
When not otherwise in use, Teusler Hall and St. Luke's Chapel are open to anyone who wishes to pray or reflect or simply sit in silence.
Chaplains are also available to provide emotional support and a listening ear to patients and family members, as well as staff. If you wish to speak with a chaplain, please inform any member of the medical staff.