Introduction to the Nursing Department
Mission of the Nursing Department
- To provide nursing services aimed to improve the Quality of Life of the people on the receiving side.
- To respect the beliefs, personality, lifestyles and rights of the people served, and support their autonomy and self-determination.
- To continuously seek career development as a nursing professional with an international perspective to provide nursing practice adaptive to changes in social and medical fields.
- To build and maintain an environment where nursing staff can function proactively and be nurtured affirmatively with proper appreciation for each individual’s contribution.
Organization Framework of the Nursing Department
This shows the organization framework of the Nursing Department at St. Luke’s International Hospital. The nurses/assistant nurses who directly work with the people who need or use nursing services are supported by resource nurses including nurse managers and specialist/certified nurses as well as nursing conferences and educational supervisors. Recommendations concerning the clinical practice are made, and if accepted, implemented through a bottom-up structure.
<St. Luke’s International Hospital Organization Framework of the Nursing Department>

Professional Nursing Practice Model
The Professional Nursing Practice Model represents nursing as practiced at St. Luke’s International Hospital by way of a figure. At the center is “People-Centered Care” indicating the concept that nursing is not primarily aimed at the “hospital patients” but rather at “people” living a daily life in the community. These people and the nursing professionals respect each other’s worth and collaborate on an equal footing.
We practice nursing in view of “Quality/Safety”, “QOL/Respect for Autonomy”, “Interdisciplinary Approach” and “Expertise”, which are built on such activities as “Research”, “International activities”, “Clinical nursing conferences”, and “Evidence-based Nursing”, supported by the highly cherished proficiency of each nurse in “Sensitivity”, “Aspiration”, “Flexibility” and “Creativity.”
The basic formation of this model is the cross of “Christian Love” at the center of this hospital’s mission. Based on this model, nurses at St. Luke’s International Hospital consider, implement and develop their ideal nursing practice.
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